Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hook Storm


Hook Head. Probably the most photographed landmark in the South East of Ireland. I've a pain in my face trying to get a different angle on it that hasn't been seen before but I suppose many people have. You look for a sunrise, a sunset, a funny looking sky, a night shot. Then a storm comes along. It's particularly nice when you leave home with a bit of a wind blowing only to get to a destination like Hook Head and the Wrath of God has been unleashed.
The image above - I was wondering how close I could get to see the wave breaker rise alongside the tower. There were several that came the same height as the lighthouse itself but I was cleaning spray from lenses at the time. Just after this shot was taken there was another wave coming in. I could see it'd be a biggie...I focused on the tower...then it hit. All I saw was a wall of white water bouncing back in my direction wetting and my A700 in the process. I didn't take any more shots.
The process for the image above was to create 3 images in Lightroom and transfer to CS3 to get a balanced image. Then convert the image to B&W, some burning/dodging of the waves, a little distortion straightning and a slight vignette in Lightroom at the end...then some last minute dust sopt and seaweed removal for good measure. You can see the original image on my site.


ladybloga said...

wow..this photo is amazing!

Tammy said...

I've just found your blog and love your talent! :)